Twice a year, 16 crew members travel to public schools to plant fruit trees and create art with thousands of kids. In addition to planting 10-25 new orchards, crew members provide pruning, irrigation support, art programming, education, and other care for 50-100 maturing school orchards.
Working to grow delicious living classrooms by day and camping together by night, crew members experience intensive fruit tree education, a meaningful way to contribute to the school garden movement, and often the cultivation of lifelong friendships.
September -- October, 2018
It is Common Vision’s policy that all Fruit Tree Tour crew members, individually and collectively, demonstrate maximum respect in attitude and actions to all people of the many culturally and racially diverse communities visited during the tour. Common Vision is committed to cultivating a living and working environment that intentionally seeks to promote the coexistence of people of diverse background and identity based on mutual respect and integrity. Common Vision requires that the Fruit Tree Tour living and working environments on tour are free from discrimination on the basis of race, class, ethnicity, religion, gender or sexual orientation. We expect all crew members to actively support this policy.